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Al Farazdaq Street, Al Malaz, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Phone Number
Al Farazdaq Street, Al Malaz, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Phone Number
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* We’ll get back to you in 1-2 business days
Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
How can I deliver my package to SKIP?
Just contact us and we will come to you
Can I ship COD shipments using SKIP?
Yes, you can ship your shipment with COD service, this service is available for registered commercial entities
Can I ship a shipment and the receiver pay the shipping charges?
Yes, you can ship your shipment and shipping charges will be collected from consignee.
How is the shipping cost calculated?
Shipping cost start by 35 SR for normal shipments up to 5 KG , for fragile, special care and high value shipments shipping cost start by 50 SR for shipments up to 5 Kilo grams, these rates may vary depend on the destinations, weight and shipment volume
Can you pack my shipment?
Packing is the shipper responsibility, but we are offering packaging material at additional cost.
How can I track my shipment?
Please visit our website, or call our call center number
What is your call center working hours?
Our call center working from 08:00 am till 17:00 pm except Friday
Can you deliver my shipment to my home?
We can deliver the shipment to home
How Can I Open an Account With SKIP?
Simply reach out to us via any of the communication channels and a SKIP representative will tailor the best package for you depending on your business needs.
WE FIND THE WAY principle is built-in our culture. We plan, evaluate, rehearse, and reevaluate before we start.
Our focus is on the excitement of how we tackle any task in front of us, and on what we do so our customers can succeed at what they do.
Al Malaz, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia